Paralysis by Analysis

3 min readJul 17, 2023

Paralysis by analysis

It’s universal, if you don’t know what it is it’s when you spend so much time analysing, contemplating, strategising, learning that you never actually do anything.

The first time I learned about it properly was from a guy named Burley Hawk, he’s one of those guys that trained at WestSide Barbell. If you know anything about strength and conditioning you will know about conjugate periodization. WestSide made that mainstream, Louis Simmons took soviet texts and translated them into English, learning how to program max effort, dynamic effort and repetition work to keep his lifters ready, year round, pushing heavy weight, avoiding injury and consistently progressing.

WestSide vs the world is a great documentary, it opens the doors to Louis’ infamous gym and the freaks inside. These guys dominated powerlifting for decades. Dave Hoff is one of their guys, Louis Simmons called him the ‘Mayweather of powerlifting’. Mark bell was on of their guys too, the guy who made the slingshot and owns Super Training Gym.

Burley Hawk spoke on his instagram about the usefulness of stability work, mobility work and prehab for lifting. This was maybe 5 years ago and I’ve remembered from memory, my interpretation might not be exactly what he was saying. As you get stronger at a lift your form gets better, you can’t push serious weight without having good form, as you get stronger through full ranges of motion your mobility gets better, all lifting is, is a weighted dynamic stretch, as you spend an…

