Bear Markets Are A Blessing

2 min readMay 17, 2022

Cryptocurrency adoption is a logistic function, Manchester United are sponsored by Tezos, bought a whole stadium, BTC is legal tender for a legit country. It’s mainstream now, just accept it, the real money to be made has already been made. A learning curve is also a logistic function, and the problem is if you haven’t been in Crypto for half a decade you’re nowhere near the top of the S curve of your learning. But the crypto currency space is near the top of the S curve. The gains will be minimal from now on and there’s not enough to be made unless you absolutely know what you’re doing. I don’t. I sold out of my crypto positions in February to buy a property. I don’t come from a rich family with a big network and plenty of opportunities and I can’t afford to lose it all to the hedge funds taking back their losses from the past 2 years.

I’m still in and it’s still performing, I’m in the and it looks hopeful. But I’m not holding any bags anymore, that shit is going to the bottom of the ocean. I’m not implying that crypto is dead, it’s not, it’s established and it’s a crucial part of the world we live in now. The moon boys keep telling themselves they’re still early but they’re not, BTC is over a decade old, every country has a policy on crypto and every bank has their fingers dabbled in it; yes less than 5% of the world hold crypto, but remember 1% of the…

